Heading off to college is a big step. There are so many changes occurring, as you will finally be on your own. One thing that doesn’t have to change is your bank. Starting college in a new place sometimes means you won’t have all of the conveniences of living at home. With Farmer & Merchants Bank, this isn’t the case. We want to come with you on your new adventure!
Taking your home bank to college has never been more easy or convenient. With our mobile banking, you have secure access to your accounts with a touch of your finger. You have access not only to your accounts, but our mobile banking also provides you with the ability to:
· View balances
· Transfer funds
· Search recent history
· Find the nearest F&M office or ATM
With the extensive accessibility to your accounts, it will feel like you never left home!
Not only does our mobile banking offer a wide variety of services, but getting started is a breeze. In just a few easy steps, you can have quick, unlimited access to all of your accounts. Visit http://www.fmpierz.com, or download our app from the Google Play store or iTunes
Farmers & Merchants Bank strives to make your online banking experience as easy as possible. For more information on Farmers & Merchants mobile banking services, please visit our website.